Wormwood, Burning Lamps & Asteroids / Hugo Talks

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29 Comments on “Wormwood, Burning Lamps & Asteroids / Hugo Talks

    • Thank you LC for the first link. I checked it out, it looks like a very helpful website. The Companion Bible is The Authorized Version of 1611, but the words to check out to be correct. In the KJ 1611 V, if there is a little circle ° it draws the reader’s attention to the actual text, so the Bible I have been using for studying for 16 years has always drawn my attention to what the actual text is. The Companion Bible has 197 Appendixes (all found online) which are so very helpful. A serious Bible student who wants a working understanding of The Word needs to know what the original Hebrew or Greek words are. I believe with all my heart there could be no demon-nations oops (denominations) if people would just dig into The Word with the Holy Spirit as the Teacher, and with helps such as notes and the Appendixes in The Companion Bible, we would end the confusion and discuission of what The Word says. Christianity is not a religion, it’s a Person Christ Jesus Himself, the Head, His “church” is His Body. All ONE ~ Unity. This is how the Whole world will see Christ Jesus at same time when He returns to earth. The Head is NOT severed from His Body. It will be a physical manifestation that everyone (and everything) living on planet earth will see, it will be glorious! COME LORD JESUS!!

      • Love my 1611 KJV Companion Bible. It is worn out.

      • How wonderful! I can’t imagine any serious Bible student being without one. An enormous help for sure. The original Hebrew and Greek are so exact, English words, sadly deficient, thus, all the confusion. When folk want to argue about “The Name” I direct them to Appendix 4 “The Divine Names and Titles” Appendix 98 “Divine Names and Titles in New Testament” and I love learning about prepositions, Appendix 104, “EN” being my favorite preposition “denotes being or remaining within, with the primary idea of rest and continuance. WHEW!!

      • This will most likely not be well received, but please remember what Jesus told us. To spread His gospel. While it’s a wonderful pursuit to study the bible in a variety of forms and learn the original words in Hebrew and Greek if that’s where your interests are, it’s not necessary to fully understand or embrace the gospel according to Jesus.

        An illiterate child can follow the gospel of Christ. It does not require being a scholar of any kind.

        Jesus was with God from the beginning. He is the Word. The Word Made Flesh. The book we call the bible was not with God from the beginning. Jesus was.

        The ink on the paper of a book is a fine tool, but it’s just a tool. It isn’t the Creator.

  1. This is good. I agree with most of your assessments of Christianity the exception being meditation and contemplative prayer. If you forgive my tangent, but It’s an ancient practice quieting the distruptive thoughts that most likely come from the enemy and focusing on Jesus. Look into “The Jesus Prayer”.

    My second general point may require a bit of thinking. In logic, there is a form of reasoning that is proper. It is called modus ponens, and this form of reasoning guarantees that if the premises of an argument are true, then the conclusion must be true. Here is an example: (1) If it is raining outside, then it is wet outside. (2) It is raining outside. Therefore, (3) it is wet outside. If (1) and (2) are true, then (3)
    has to be true.

    But there is a mistaken and rationally dangerous form of reasoning sometimes associated and confused with modus ponens. It is the fallacy of afirming the consequent. Here is an example of this fallacy: (1) If it is raining outside, then it is wet outside. (2) It is wet outside (here we affrm the truth of the consequent of (1). Therefore, (3) it is raining outside. But (3) does not follow from (1) and (2). It could
    be wet because a fire truck hosed down the neighborhood; everyone had their lawn sprinklers on at the same time; or a tsunami hit the area.
    What in the world does this have to do with the negative reaction to contemplative prayer? Simply this: The negative reaction is an example of affrming the consequent. Consider the following fallacious
    argument: (1) If Howard is a New Age practitioner or advocate, then Howard uses imagery and repetitive words or phrases. (2) Howard uses imagery and repetitive words or phrases. (This affirms the consequent.) Therefore, (3) Howard is a New Age practitioner or advocate. But this is clearly wrong.

    Others may use imagery and repetitive words or phrases too. This becomes evident if we examine the following counter example: (4) If Howard is a New Age practitioner or advocate, then Howard breathes, eats food, seeks to lead a good life, and fasts. (5) Howard breathes, eats food, seeks to lead a good life, and fasts. Therefore, (6) Howard is a New Age practitioner or advocate. But all kinds of people, including atheists and Christians, breathe, eat food, seek to lead a good life, and fast. This does not make them New Age practitioners or advocates. Similarly, for centuries upon centuries, Christians have used imagery and repetitive words and phrases in contemplative prayer to change their lives and draw close to God.

    Throughout most of this time, there was no New Age movement yet. This kind of critical reaction to contemplative prayer is based on a fallacy.

    • The new age has been with us since vabylon. There is nothing new under the sun

    • Meditation is just quieting the mind and seeking the presence of God.
      “Be still and know that I am God”
      If you don’t still your mind/thoughts you can forget connecting to God.

      • Jesus woke up early while it was still dark to pray- it was still and quiet so He could talk to His Father.
        That’s what my meditation is. Talking to the Father thru the Holy Spirit.

  2. Hugo, may Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour grant you happiness, peace and protection against the evil forces which are running rampant in this failing world. God bless brother

  3. Another great analogy by hugotalks….thanks for that food for thought indeed

  4. Omgosh this is excellent, Hugo! Wow! I think you’re right on with this! I appreciate your Rev videos.

  5. definition Wormwood Is SYMBOLIC. In Scripture, wormwood is compared to the aftereffects of immorality (Pr 5:4) and the bitter experience that was to come and did come upon Judah and Jerusalem at the hands of the Babylonians. (Jer 9:15; 23:15; La 3:15, 19) It also represents injustice and unrighteousness (Am 5:7; 6:12) and is used with reference to apostates. (De 29:18) At Revelation 8:11, wormwood denotes a bitter and poisonous substance, also called absinthe.

  6. Great stuff hugo . I understand that there is a plant apparently called wormwood which obviously is poisonous but I didn’t understand it , in the concept of revelation . Your opinion does make a lot of sense and makes everything that little bit clearer , thanks for sharing your observations .

  7. The teachings of Jesus are revealed to those “with eyes to see “and “ears to hear”. Following the Mesiah involves going through the “narrow gate and walking the narrow road that leads to life”. Thanks to Hugo for shedding light on these rather obscure texts .

  8. fakenewsallthetimeagenda!!!!

    the ten commandments sum it all up pretty well. love God love others. put yourself last and spell JOY

  9. Artemisia afra, commonly known as African wormwood or wilde wormwood, is a perennial plant in the daisy family (Asteraceae). It is native to South Africa and is used in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments, including fever, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues.
    It works well for parasites and something that is widely used in our country.

  10. Thank you Hugo. It’s such an answer to prayer having you giving Biblical clarity in the midst of this modern day deception. You are a modern day CS Lewis💕

  11. The Creator certainly connects the physical realm with the spiritual. The inner world surely has an outward expression, for a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither an evil tree good fruit.

    “A scorner seeketh for wisdom, and findeth it NOT.”

    Therefore Hugo, beware of scornful attitudes towards others who find that overly spiritualising the scriptural text is unhelpful in areas where there is (on the face of it) room for some more natural explanation.

    Not that we ought to give heed to every opinion, for there is no private interpretation of prophecy. But that you truly have grasped the totality of the Mind of the Spirit in the passage above?……well I for one am much more persuaded that it is speaking of natural water we drink in the context of the passage. But you may be correct that it refers to an angelic being.

  12. Consider please, Hugo, how that Ezekiel complained that the people he was warning thought that he was speaking in parables. However, the great external calamity truly did befall those who neglected to maintain an inner purity of life and maintaining the good fruit thereof. Truly they were deceived by their own stubborn rebelliousness and heeded not the counsels of God unto their own calamity. External calamities shall surely befall the last generation being even a terror unto them. Nevertheless, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, for that he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever, for in the LORD YHVH is everlasting strength.”

    God bless you Hugo and guide us into all Truth by His gracious Spirit as we seek to serve Him

  13. In the Bible, bitterness seems to symbolize doubt and disbelief. For example see Exodus 15:23-26 which could be interpreted as a prophecy that Israel will initially reject the Word of God, but will eventually gladly accept it. A branch or stick appears to be a symbol for Christ at the Second Coming, just as a lamb is a symbol for Christ at the First Coming.

    So the wormwood judgement could very well refer to the pollution of the Holy Word from the fraudulent Codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus which have been used as the basis for almost all of the new bible translations like the NIV, ASV, etc.

    But why does the wormwood only fall on a third of the waters? What is the third part of the world that the trumpet judgments fall upon? I think the trumpet judgments might be falling on the Christian (or formerly Christian) world. There is a biblical principle that judgement must begin at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). So maybe the trumpet judgments apply to the Christian church and the bowl judgments (which somewhat echo the trumpet judgments) apply to the non-Christian world. The Church is a spiritual entity, so the trumpet judgments would be spiritual judgments. But the bowl judgments which fall upon the earth-dwellers may be physical judgements.

  14. Oil = wisdom

    Psa 104:15 oil to make his face to shine
    Ecc 8:1 a man’s wisdom maketh his face to shine

  15. When I looked at this I saw wormwood was possibly a generic term used to apply to nuclear contamination, Chernobyl but also Fukushima. In the case of Fukushima the release of radioactive elements into the sea has been described as the death of the Pacific and documented by Laura Eisenhower.

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