Santa πŸŽ…, Satan πŸ‘Ώ, Saturnalia πŸͺ & Christmas πŸŽ„ / Hugo Talks #lockdown

140 Comments on “Santa πŸŽ…, Satan πŸ‘Ώ, Saturnalia πŸͺ & Christmas πŸŽ„ / Hugo Talks #lockdown

  1. Cheers Hugo

    Just heard Jav has cancelled New Year’s Eve in T Square -London

    Oo how shocking
    I hear you say .. Not!! Lol

    They are mentally In balanced

      • Ok cool

        Shows I don’t give a crap because i didn’t know &
        I would not go anyways.
        I don’t watch MSM

        People sometimes kindly tell me bits so I find it nice to share

        Take care

  2. You are wrong about the Abomination and Desolation.

    God in is great wisdom causes things to repeat so it is easier for us to understand what will happen. The original Abomination and Desolation was caused by Antiochus Epiphanes (Greek). He is the reason the New Testament was written in Greek because he changed the language of God’s people (Hellenization) and God wanted these people to have access to The New Testament..

    ‘Antiochus IV, a king of the Seleucid Empire (Greek), took upon himself the title Epiphanes, meaning the “illustrious one” or “god manifest.” He was known as Antiochus Epiphanes and reigned from 175 BC until 164 BC in what is now Syria.’

    ‘Antiochus attached Jerusalem, stealing items from the temple and setting up an altar to Zeus. He went so far as to sacrifice a swine to Zeus, which caused a backlash from the Jews. Antiochus then had many Jews killed and others sold into slavery. He outlawed circumcision, making it a capital offense, and ordered Jews to sacrifice to pagan gods and eat pork.’

    So God tells us the coming Abomination and Desolation will be a repeat of this scenario where the ‘Lawless One’ will stand on the mount and commit an Abomination. They are already in negotiations with the Muslims to gain access to the dome of the rock once the ‘Lawless One’ commits their Abomination that will be the end of the first 3 and a half years of the final 7. Their only problem is they need to remove any opposition and their plan is already in motion. They will release information about crimes committed by ‘the Jews’ the nazi’s will be dancing in the street saying ‘I told you so’ and all those people that believe they were lied to about WW2 will feel tricked and angry allowing the The Lawless one to offer a ‘solution’.

    We have to remember something important, something that angers satan, no matter how clever satan feels he is being to be evil it always turns out he only gets closer destroying himself. God can not do evil so he lets evil destroy evil, he warns those of righteousness to look for the signs of the Abomination and Desolation and flee Jerusalem, once they are gone only those that are evil will be destroyed.

    ‘Many see Antiochus as a foreshadowing of the prophesied Antichrist. Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11 tells of the temple being profaned and offerings stopped. Jesus referred to these prophesies as future events in Matthew 24:15–16, Mark 13:14, and Luke 21:20–21.’

  3. Well Hugo! I’m glad you got that all off your chest! Merry Christmas to you too!! πŸ‘πŸŒ²πŸ‘. Stay Sane, Stay Strong everyone πŸ’ͺπŸŽ…

  4. Rejoice in this beautiful time of year where we give thanks to (christ the saviour) is born..
    Goodwill to all men bring the spirit of Christmas in our hearts.

    Kindness to one another, costs nothing. As long as we celebrate with a good heart the birth of Jesus.
    Everything has gotten so polluted,
    We are all on a journey to Christ.
    Petty bickering is not worth it.
    None of us has a monopoly on truth.. Ask for wisdom and discernment.
    Just remember the nativity of Jesus, Mary and Joseph after all this is what it’s all about..
    I love Christmas carols, giving thanks to the Lord.
    God did tell us to sing and give praise.” O Holy night ” reaching into my soul, so beautiful the lyrics are.
    I love so many of them..
    We know the enemy has infiltrated Christmas, I reject the materialism of it all. Its all about the nativity. and family, family. Coming together with love. Everything you do, do it with a good heart. God will smile upon you. We are just mere men walking the path of faith.

    This time of year have love in your heart and soul, My God we need it!
    Merry Christmas!!
    God bless everyone!

  5. People don’t even really know what’s happening right now. Let alone what happened hundreds of years ago or even yesterday!

    • @Charlotte Levy, A very interesting comment, especially from someone with name of Levy – it’s almost as if you have inside information – would I be correct in surmising that?

  6. Read the bible. The bible in revelations 5 and Ezekiel 1 and Daniel 13

  7. Here’s a wild theory. Reading John Lamb Lash ‘Not in His Name’, about the Christian/Islamic/Jewish Aramaic religions wiping out pagan/ indigenous knowledge and Gnosticism. The Christians were ruthless, barbaric bullies. Burning books full of knowledge and slaughtering pagans. or chasing them away into hiding. They believed in one Patriarchal, vengeful god, which was later toned down in the new testament to include a gentle ‘Savior’ Jesus Christ. They spread their beliefs through domination of indigenous peoples wiping out their original traditions, knowledge, being one with the earth and mother nature.

    That’s what I think this all is, the bad guys are playing both sides, The Trump, ‘Good Guy’ Christians, waiting for a savior to banish the evil doers and set the god fearing ‘chosen’ people free, then there are the genuinely evil ‘Bad Guys’ that are using pagan symbolism, (Illuminati) as a cover for the disgusting things they are doing.

    Its almost as if they wrote the books ‘Islamic and Jewish included, all Aramaic religions’, and they are recreating them from the ‘Scripts (script-ure} Even the storms, floods and volcano eruptions are man made (Even in the case of the St Vincent volcano, it was found that a short while before the eruption, some researchers were pumping water into it for god knows what reason) The biblical Revelations happening in real time.

    What if this is all a play to drive the people into a place where the bad guys want us, and even if the ‘good guy Christians win’ humanity ends up looking outside themselves to be saved by some outside force instead of saving ourselves with our long lost innate gifts that the Gnostics and indigenous people knew we had.

  8. What’s happened to all the scare mongers who said Christmas would be cancelled even Hugo said it him self a week ago you are all being brainwash by conspiracy theorists thanks to the amazing booster roll out we can all enjoy a great Christmas and A happy new year.

    • It’s not a booster, it’s just a third dose of the same poison. Get ready for your fourth dose early next year, swiftly followed by five, six, seven & eight, if you survive that long.

    • It won’t make any difference. The jabbed won’t see out Christmas Day. They will all keel over dead with a heart attack when the 5G is switched on at 3pm just as the national anthem strikes up with the Queen’s Speech at 3pm. It will be put down to overindulgence. See turveyd posts for more details on what is coming.

  9. Thank you for this, Hugo. You are in my prayers. May God continue to give you courage and strength to speak truth.
    Speaking of Christmas….yes, of course, you are right, although it is not emotionally pleasant for many people to accept this. We need to worship God the way he specifies, not the way we like. God has specified when he would like to be worshiped: on the Sabbath, which the ten commandments say is the SEVENTH day…not the first day. Sunday worship….worship on the day of the sun, originates in sun worship and is pagan just as much as Christmas is. So…let all those of us to value truth and honour unite in keeping holy the day God specified, the seventh day, which, of course, we know as Saturday. In other languages, incidentally, the seventh day is known as Sabbath, and words that are variants of it. This is because this truth was there since the beginning and is embedded in their cultures and history. Sunday worship is based on tradition, just as Christmas is, and, like Christmas, was brought into christianity by the Roman Catholic Church. They take it as a mark of their authority over and above the authority of God to specify when we worship.

  10. Am having the same Christmas I always have a good one nobody’s telling me how to live my life anyone that hasn’t click on to this bullshit by now maybe should just sit in by themselfs there talking about birdful here in northern Ireland same as last year just before Christmas they don’t want even turkey s at Christmas really you couldn’t write this shit merry Christmas Hugo have a good one

  11. Taken from the truthnotdoctrine post, Quote: The Christians were ruthless, barbaric bullies.” You must be talking about counterfeit Christians…..
    Are they the 1s who shouted & screamed – KILL THE INFADEL – ? Just asking
    Acidemia ( if spelt right ) / intellectuals – Dont realy trust them people as they twist & bend the truth as it suits them so,, Naw , Move on time – Do you trust Cambridge or Oxford uni’s ?

    Also Agreeing & Disagreeing Depends on your / His / Her view of things & what we’ve been taught & learned ~ As It Has Been Said Many Times……
    HisStory history is,, is what ? A Lie or The Truth ? Unanswerable question realy coz were you there & are the records True ? False ? Or Falsified in time to Whoever’s Agenda for the time of now ? Which gets lost in History………. Repeat HiStory…….. & On It Go’s
    Thing Is,,, we have to fight the bullshit wankstiens wef un eussr ( Eroropean Union of Suppressed States Regime ) dictator governments & thier agencys thinktanks ect ect who think them are our lords & masters….. THEY AINT !
    They are Genocide marketeers world depopulation & who’s left, world control of everything – Agenda 2030 – It’s All There…..

    • @Floki “Are they the 1s who shouted & screamed – KILL THE INFADEL – ? Just asking.”

      I thought it was only Muzzies that screamed KILL THE INFADEL! And it was counterfeit ‘Christian’ Crusaders (The Knights TEMPLAR) that ran the Muzzies through with the sword.

      “Acidemia ( if spelt right ) / intellectuals – Dont realy trust them people as they twist & bend the truth as it suits them so,, Naw , Move on time – Do you trust Cambridge or Oxford uni’s ?”

      The word when spelt correctly is aca-demon-ia just like demon-ocracy. Trust Cambridge and Oxford? The cesspits of alien Commie filth within the English Kingdom? Not likely.

      True History is HIS-Story, that is, Yashua Messiah’s story.

      I agree we have to make stand against Satan’s Serpent Seed who now control EVERYTHING in this modern world, as they openly admit:

      “We have corrupted the blood of all the races of Europe — perhaps we have infected them today.

      “Everything is Jewified.

      “Our thinking is in everything living, our spirit rules the world.

      “We are the masters, for everything that has power today is the child of our spirit.

      “One may hate us, one may drive us away, our enemies may triumph over our physical weakness, but we are no longer to be gotten rid of.

      “We have conquered peoples, conquered the races, defiled them, broken their strength, made everything rotten, lazy and corrupt with our stale culture, our spirit can no longer be exterminated.”

      — Dr. Kurt Munzer, Jewish novelist, “The Way To Zion”

      • Demon Yep,, All put together by the marxist communist zionist 4by2……………………. No More To Be Said
        I thought it was only Muzzies that screamed KILL THE INFADEL! Nope,,, It Was Christian’ Crusaders – The Knights TEMPLAR that started that cry ,,
        Me Dad was taught that at school back in the 1920s & told me about it in the 90s ……………… Oh how things have changed
        ~ Fuck the system ~ & that from 2004

    • @donauld Not really, Christmas was just a papering over the cracks of the Solstice festival and Yuletide revelry etc. etc. None of it worships Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) – E.g. Noel Noel = No God No God.

  12. The problem is the Joos run these totalitarian projects and they hate Christ it does not matter if religious or non religious Joos.
    Christ is the only but a pretty big obstacle on their road to fully unleash a totalitarian government.

    Read Miles W. Mathis

    • This Lucis Trust and the Beast are just is only distraction, this way they mock religious people but it’s only to hide the Jooish banking cartel behind all of this.
      As I said previously these people don’t believe in anything, they are so compromised already that they use these “clubs” and magic just to recruit similar people as they are but Joos fund 100 different distractions to hook your mind.

  13. “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    A question for you. Who were the Bolsheviks?
    Now can you spot any similarities with the current tyranny, genocide and media control?
    Could it be the perpetrators are the same people?

    Of course Hugo won’t engage in this forbidden topic because that would be the end of his presence at least on YouTube but he cannot ignore it forever because less and less people will watch his videos!

    You know that the media are run by these people and they run the worldwide media before and during the Jooish Bolshevik Revolution.
    The controllers are not rogue governments or Babylonians or satanists from Brussels.

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