TRUMP TRAIN PART 2 (your comments) / Hugo Talks

154 Comments on “TRUMP TRAIN PART 2 (your comments) / Hugo Talks

  1. So much for his new free speech platform,it said on telegram this morning that Stew Peters had been banned already..not free speech after all if its true.

    • Maybe everything is fake Just to divide us. Maybe the vaccins don’t Hurt Anyone and it’s about transfer of wealth, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I see all of these terrible adverse reactions online but personally I don’t notice anything around me.

    • i agree stew peters controlled opposition and yet he supposed to be a trump supporter

    • I discovered this forum a little more than a year ago and was excited to have found a place that wasn’t nonstop Q talk. As an American so many of the forums I found while looking for like-minded people seemed to be full of QAnon believers. Hugo Talks is a place of respite from that belief system for me.

      They believe Trump is still President behind the scenes on one hand while simultaneously saying he will be back and the election was stolen (granted it most likely was) They chant “Let’s go Brandon” and they hate Joe Biden (trust me I am no fan either) but if Trump is still President aren’t all the reasons they dislike Biden really the doing of Trump if he is still in charge?

      They think dead people are alive and living people are dead and have been cloned and people have been executed through trials. They think Trump doesn’t really mean he is for the vaccine when he clearly says he is for the vaccine. They believe he will usher in Nesara/Gesara and they will have their mortgages and debts forgiven and receive thousands of dollars a month as a sort of reparation for how the elites have funneled our money for themselves for years.

      As for Trump I cannot argue alot of his policies helped America tremendously and had us on the road to truly be a great country again. Ultimately though, whether he started out with the best of intentions and somewhere along the line he was threatened, bribed, or promised a big payout on his return to deceive his base I cannot say, but I feel it should be obvious by now that QAnon is just a psyop to keep people in a holding pattern of Wait, Wait, Wait while everyday that goes by we lose more and more freedoms but it’s ok because in the end Trump has got this.

      I feel these people will carry on waiting for Trump to come save them even as they are being loaded into boxcars.

      From the start I felt this was about the NWO, good vs evil and possibly could be leading to end days. I think it is much much bigger than Donald Trump. He is a puppet every bit as much as other world leaders, religious leaders and corporate CEOs who are doing the bidding of the global elite to bring in ‘ the new normal ‘

      • Sheepdog Don’t waste your energy on the political circus or mainstream media – Satan, through them, feeds off your energy. I never give it any time at all, and glean all my news from alternative news sites like this.

    • From what I am reading Telegram is banning a lot of people. There are three fake Vernon Coleman accounts as well. Probably best avoided, it was probably started by the establishment.

      • The secret is NEVER sign up to a platform that asks for your telephone number. Telegram and Odysee both do that and they are now deleting videos. World Truth Videos is the ONLY free speech video site that I know of.

      • World Truth Videos LOL is one of the kookiest sites I have come across. The last thing you will get is the truth on that kooky site. Here are some stats, youtube 1.6 BILLION visitors a day, Hugo Talks 36,000 visitors a day, World Truth Videos, opps, too small to register LOL

      • More interesting statistics: David Icke 88,700 visitors a day ($1,200 ad revenue daily) , and that Texan shill Alex Jones site 1.6 million daily visitors ($45,000 ad revenue daily).

      • You know what. YOU are a psycho. You think you can bully commentors and dominate a blog that isn’t even your blog. Tell you what, it won’t work with me you, scumbag. You have met your match! Now, get to hell outta here!

      • Senga the shabbos goy You are the only arsehole that causes trouble on Hugo Talks, and I have witnessed other commentators call YOU a bully, and that’s because you’re a stinking filthy troll.

      • No, it is YOU that is the BULLY and ARSEHOLE, you have been called out many times on here for what you truly are, you filthy, lying, devious Hitler-loving, Jew-hating, Nazi!

      • Senga the shabbo goy Nah, I have witnessed these commentators called you out as a bully, and one told you to fuck off. By their fruits you shall know them.

        And as for this: “you filthy, lying, devious Hitler-loving, Jew-hating, Nazi!”

        I have rebutted your ignorance about Herr Hitler and The Jews, who hate me, numerous times. I don’t hate them, for I know their end is near, but here’s a reminder for you:

        “The goal of abolishing the white race is, on its face, so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed WHITE SUPREMACISTS….Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed.”

        – Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor and co-founder of ‘Race Traitor’ magazine.

      • @bs doctrine I have lost count the number of commentators who have told YOU to FUCK OFF. I have never told anyone to FUCK OFF. It is you who tells commentators to FUCK OFF or your more subtle ‘Are you sure this is the right site for you?’. You don’t want anyone with half a brain cell on here. You don’t like being challenged. You want the blog to yourself so that you can spread your bs doctrine to the weak-minded and gullible. You are as see-through as a whore’s knickers.

      • Senga the shabbos goy LOL I said he told YOU to fuck off, and called you a bully. Do you have an English comprehension problem amongst all the others?

      • @Senga “World Truth Videos LOL is one of the kookiest sites I have come across.” Well all that tells me is how alien you are to free speech and prefer the sanitised censored crap of Jewtube.

      • Senga the shabbos goy “I have lost count the number of commentators who have told YOU to FUCK OFF.”

        Now I know that you’re lying, and being a shabbos goy I KNOW that will come naturally to you.

      • I am NOT a JEW and neither do I have JEWISH paymasters you daft chuff. Put down the bong pipe. It is making you paranoid. LOL

      • @Senga the shabbos goy Nah, you’re the most foul evil kind of shabbos goy – you do it for free, willingly and voluntarily – you love ’em.

      • As I have said before, I am not here to defend the JEWS. The JEWS are quite capable of defending themselves.

      • @Senga the shabbos goy traitor scum: Argue with me and you defend the Jews by default. Speak lies about Herr Hitler and slander his name and you defend the Jews by default. State and support the lie that the Holocaust happened, you defend Jews by default. Metaphorically you fellate circumcised penises every day by default.

  2. Come on Carrie Madej gave it away months back by repeating what she has to say word for word, like a script ! Its all still the same madness – can you imagine a world run by sacha stones, dear God its going from one nightmare into another – people need to understand that they actually live in the mind of God and thats the connection they dont want people to cotton onto leaving them with all the power as usual – the great reset wont be what they think its going to be cis its God thats in charge not them – pure mind intelligence, lovelight.

  3. Albert Pike, George Orwell, Charles Galton Darwin, all did their part in bringing the plan to the world as it is now.

  4. Are you saying we have to just sit back and let what’s happening happen? If there is no one left to trust what hope do we have for this to end? 😭😭😭

  5. the only thing that makes sense ,also based on the cananda experience , its to draw truthers out , identify them and move towards their bank accounts etc

  6. When it comes to beliefs of Christianity and spirituality( metaphysics) most traditional Christians simply don’t understand the true teaching of christ and dismiss energetic healing as witchcraft. Bless

    • Not sure energetic healing is the best description, some Jewish believe his power came from knowing the real name of God, Christians think he is the son of God, Islamic a prophet, and others a magus.

      • @MR JOHN D SIVITER, Jews know nothing about God, so best not to pay them any attention at all when it comes to the subject of God:

        Here is the god of the Jews:

        “We are a chosen people. Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we Jews are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

        — The Jew, Harold W. Rosenthal

        “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew’. The first Hebrews may not have been Jews at all…”

        — 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.

  7. Hello Hugo.
    My humble opinion is that both sides are to benefit from each other. Trump is using the people specially those against the narrative to gain publicity, and the awaken souls are using trump tour to wake the sleeping souls. Here both sides common agenda is the public exposure but different agenda at public speaking.
    The Almighty knows the best.

  8. Trump is not really pro jab. He had to say that out of fear of not being attacked from all angles by mainstream media. He actually said during his campain that jabs are causing autism in kids.
    He actually worked for the people and the left tried to get rid of him thus entire time and they managed to do that by having rigged elections.
    Trump actually met with the doctors that signed the Great Barrington Declaration and he is a supporter.
    These people are with Trump because they saw he is for Americans.

  9. Robert Kennedy being there really surprised me as he’s a democrat senator and has always been anti-Trump

    • i agree robert kennedy surprised me as well you wouldnt go on someones site if you didnt like them unless he was just having a nose, trump
      is making alot of money out of the new social site if he wasnt he wouldnt be doing it. trump is not our saviour people need to wake up

  10. Thank you Hugo! Hit the nail on the head. Read Not in His Image- John Lamb Lash. How christianity and other Aramaic religions destroyed Gnostics and their knowledge. Taking us away from our innate powers and sovereignty, running into the arms of a “Saviour” vengeful god. Just like what is happening now. I don’t believe that all of these doctors etc are evil, they are just misled, they truly believe what they believe in. Honestly if I hadn’t been a sucker for it all myself at the beginning and jumped full on into the rabbit hole, I wouldn’t have learned as much as I have.
    P.S To protect your channel get onto RSS to get a feed without going through emailing (Its easier for some) Also an IPFS version of your website so they cannot take down any of your content.

  11. Hi, I am a nurse and I have been fighting to raise awareness of the spike protein and mRNA plans, I had read a study several years ago and I knew it to be dangerous. I had stupidly believed that it was a mistake and I was speaking to everyone in Government, messaging doctors, MPs, I was banned on social media. It was only when I became aware of the extent of satanic worship, sex trafficking and the paedophile plague that I knew that for this amount of evil, it must be driven by Satan. I have never been religious and I found myself drawn to God and in despair, I went into an online church. I experienced something incredible, it was an immense, overwhelming, powerful feeling of my belief and revelation. In God I now trust and believe implicitly. I never thought that this would happen to me.

    • Yvonne I also have never been religious or gone to church, but during this I felt that there was something truly evil behind it and flet drawn to God also. I’ve heard a few others say the same, even people like James Delingpole have become religious (waiting for someone to say he’s a shill as well lol).

      Take care.

    • Tell me where ‘God’ has helped anyone. Actually don’t bother, I don’t mean to be rude but turning to God is desperation.

      • @Rumple Yes people often are desperate when The Father calls them. When they’re desperate they tend to withdraw into themselves, and spend more time in quietness, so He knows that they will hear His call and be more attentive.

      • Shush, don’t tell anyone, but I have news for you, God does not exist. When you are dead you are dead. You are dust and you will return to dust. Oscar Wilde got it right when the said: ‘Life is a moment. There is no hereafter. So make it burn always with the hardest flame.’

      • Senga The shabbos goy So you and the faggot Wilde have been there to verify it have you? LOL Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.

      • Maybe I have, have you ever considered that we have all have different experiences and maybe other’s experiences have parted them more knowledge than you possess?

      • @Senga the shabbos goy, Well let’s put it this way, no one has died and been resurrected from the dead, apart from Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ), so anyone that tells you they have is a fruitcake, or a liar, or both.

        However, you are asserting that once you’re dead, you’re dead, which is true, but there will be two resurrections of the dead in the future, with a thousand years separating the two, which I explain here:

        Why Are There Two Resurrections?:

      • Strange, isn’t it. How the covid BS is very much like any belief system in its appearance.. No proof of its existence, all you have is people writing or talking about it.
        There is an old saying in German: Hilf dir selbst, so hilft dir Gott! Which means “Help yourself, so God will help you”!
        In other words; If you want sh*t done done, do it yourself.
        I think it says a lot about the Jews, that Moses had to tell them not to steal and shag your neighbour’s wife. Just sayin’…

    • 911 and other deceptive atrocities of satans playground also broufgt me to Jesus.

  12. The biggest Agent-cy in Hollywood is the CAA. The Creative Artists Agency (basically the entertainment arm of the CIA) is a huge complex built with masonic symbolism everywhere. It provides agents (handlers) for many actors, musicians, sportsmen and anyone who has a voice in the public eye. These are the lifetime actors whose role extends beyond the one they are famous for. They are controlled and ‘guided’ to promote the many agendas we are all subjected to now. I discovered this Agent-cy last night after seeing a short clip of Jordan Peterson praising Elon Musk so I instantly became suspicious as Mr Musk is absolutely not who we are told he is. So upon searching ‘when did Peterson sell his soul’ I discovered that in 2018 he signed up with CAA. Then I checked out some of the others signed up on there and along with the usual suspects eg Tom Hanks, Will Smith etc I found JP Sears and even Jamie Oliver who everyone thinks is ‘on our side’ because he took on McDonald’s! It’s all a show folks. Do not place your faith in anyone other than yourself (and definitely not in any age or otherwise). Get rid of beliefs as they are limiting. You have everything within you. Trust in your own power and do not give it away. If you want to see some of the people you may be ‘admiring’ then check out this list of some of their ‘artists’.

  13. Thank you Hugo. Hit the nail on the head! Read “Not in His Image “ John Lamb Lash. How christianity and other Aramaic based religions destroyed Gnosticism and it’s knowledge. Taking us away from our innate powers and sovereignty, running into the arms of a “Saviour “ vengeful god. Exactly what is happening now. I don’t believe that all the doctors, experts etc are bad, they are just misled, they truly believe what they believe in. Honestly, if I hadn’t had been a sucker at the beginning and jumped headlong into the rabbit hole, I wouldn’t have learned as much as I have.
    PS to protect your channel, get an RSS feed as some people prefer it to getting an email also look into an IPFS version of your website so they cannot get rid of your content. The Corbett Report etc are doing it.

  14. Trump hasn’t said which jibjab he’s had . If you ask me he’s referring to the treatment he endorsed at the beginning of this whole pantomime.

    • This ‘viruses do not exist’ nonsense was just put out there to make otherwise credible people who took the bait (and Tenpenny isn’t stupid) look nuts as well as cause friction, division and splits (which it is apparently doing). It is not the likes of Tenpenny that concern me; it is those putting this nonsense around that betray themselves. Of course viruses exist you daft chuff. You need an education! Start here:

      • Scurvy is a lack of vitamin C you dickhead. Anyone with or who has had kids knows that as soon as they begin kindergarten/school is when they bring in all sorts of infectious crap, such as chickenpox. Are you saying that chickenpox is a result of exosomes in conjunction with graphene oxide releasing toxin due to stress from the 5G network? Seriously, it is YOU that is the disinfo shill pushing your whacky nonsense. Common sense and what we can observe with our own eyes tells anyone with half a functional brain-cell look nuts. It is you who is the fruitcake disinfo shill not the likes of Tenpenny. And why are your only references to your turgid blog and that youtube clone for crazies?

      • So Senga the lying arsehole disso troll is illiterate as well as being plug ignorant. I said dickheads like you used to think that Scurvy was a virus. They all thought that Scurvy was a CONTAGIOUS DISEASE, JUST LIKE YOU DUMB MORONS WITH YOUR IMAGINARY VIRUSES AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.

        Now get outta here you lying troll.

      • Yeah, virus exist. But you are aware that divoc91 isn’t real, right?

      • Yeah, like infectious diseases don’t exist. It is all to do with exosomes, 5G, and graphene oxide LOL If you can’t take the heat, and you can’t take any heat, get to Hell outta this kitchen you scumbag.

      • Senga You see, you ignorant moron, back in 1918 they proved, with hands on experiments, that the so-called Spanish Flu was not contagious.

        Dr Stafan Lanka, an ex-virologist, has proven that the measles virus does not exist.

        The only places where ‘viruses’ exist is in laboratories where they are manufactured in petri dishes and then used for toxic vaccines and injected into people making them sick.

      • A cursory fact-check tells me that you are talking bs. Who would have thought? LOL The same old distortion and deception we have some to expect.

        No, German ‘supreme court’ didn’t rule that ‘measles doesn’t exist’

        A number of posts shared on Facebook claim that biologist and prominent anti-vaccination activist Dr Stefan Lanka won a 2016 case in the German federal supreme court that confirmed there is no evidence the measles virus exists.

        Anti-vaccination movements and vaccine hesitancy are linked to increased outbreaks of measles in both wealthier countries, and poorer countries such as South Africa.

        Most of the posts link to similar articles, mostly published on junk news and quack health websites such as News Punch, Anon HQ, Vaccine Impact and Natural Blaze. Some say the Anon HQ article was the original account of Lanka’s court case.

        That article says Lanka offered a reward of €100,000 for “scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus”. He had reportedly lost the bet and was ordered to pay up by a regional court.

        But a higher regional court in Stuttgart “with more experts and the backing of two independent laboratories” ruled that the authors of the six publications which were submitted to prove the existence of the measles virus were all wrong, the article says.

        It then claims that “as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today”. It also says the judgement was upheld by Germany’s federal supreme court.

        But the article makes a number of misinformed claims. The first is that the courts ruled Lanka had won the bet. According to independent pharmaceutical journal DAZonline, the higher regional court judges in Stuttgart, where Lanka filed his appeal in 2016, did not doubt the existence of the virus.

        But they did say Lanka’s challenge was neither a bet nor a competition but an award. And only the promoter of the award, Lanka, could determine the rules and decide if its criteria had been met.

        The judges said their decision was purely a legal judgement and did not make any statement on the existence or nonexistence of the measles virus.

        The judges ruled according to other facts, such as the wording of Lanka’s offer which stated that the prize money would only be paid “when a scientific publication is presented in which the existence of the measles virus is not only asserted, but also proven and, among other things, its size is determined”.

        The would-be winner, Dr David Bardens, had submitted six different papers, none of which alone fit all of Lanka’s requirements.

        According to DAZ online, the presiding judge suggested that “they could also have submitted 600, he would have accepted none”.

        Some of the papers submitted were also not considered “scientific work” because one of the experts in the trial testified that they were review articles and therefore were only summarising the results of others’ original work.

        Federal Court of Justice

        Germany does not have a “federal supreme court”. The country’s highest court of civil and criminal law is the Federal Court of Justice or Bundesgerichtshof.

        In 2017 the federal court of justice decided against reevaluating the existence of measles and simply dismissed the appeal to the judgement of the Stuttgart higher regional court.

        There was no mention of other measles research or the impact of the judgement on the findings of other measles virologists. – Naphtali Khumalo (22/05/19)

      • @RodneyK I have never said that divoc91 was real.

      • @Senga the shabbo goy He won on appeal – period – full stop – end of. The Measles virus, just like cov-yid 1984, doesn’t exist. Go and bore someone else with your sophistry crap.

      • Senga the shabbos goy “I have never said that divoc91 was real.”

        So the virus sarsCov2 is not real, but all the others are! LOL What a know-nothing, numbskull jerk you are.

      • I am not talking about viruses per se; I am talking about infectious diseases? Are you DENYING the existence of INFECTIOUS diseases? Are you denying the transmissibility of disease? Are you maintaining that what anyone with any common sense knows are infectious diseases are all down to toxins being released from exosomes as a result of stress induced by the 5G mobile phone network? Well, are you?

      • Show me the comment where I said that scurvy was caused by a virus. DO NOT put words into my mouth you scumbag! As the article headline says :”No, German ‘supreme court’ didn’t rule that ‘measles doesn’t exist’” Anyone can read the article because that it what it clearly states. All the sophistry, lying and outright deception is coming from your end. You need an education! Start here: Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by measles virus.

      • Senga the shabbos goy Viruses allegedly ARE infectious diseases – they are one and the same thing, you idiot, and that is what the quacks, and morons like you, claim. So take your slimy sophistry and take a hike.

        “The Terrain is everything – The Germ is nothing”

        — Claude Bernard, French physiologist

        “Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun.

        “I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats.

        I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.”

        Florence Nightingale.

      • ‘So the virus sarsCov2 is not real, but all the others are’ ? What are you on about you numbskull?

      • Senga the shabbo goy

        I didn’t say that you said it. I said that scurvy was considered an infectious disease until they learned that it wasn’t. That is the same mindset that pervades in modern medicine today with regard to viruses. The same plug ignorance, and you buy into it, being a dick head like them.

      • Senga the shabbos goy, you are one thick moron. If covsars2 doesn’t exist, why should any other virus exist? Just how stupid are you?

      • There you go conflating apples and oranges, as usual, who would have thought. I am talking about epidemiology (as in spread of a disease); YOU are talking about etiology (causes and origins of disease). I note that you STILL haven’t answered the question, but you never do, are you denying the existence of infectious diseases? And if infectious diseases exist what causes their transmission?

      • ‘If covsars2 doesn’ t exist, why should any other virus exist?’ That does not many any sense whatsoever. When are you going to answer the question? Are you denying the existence of infectious diseases? A simple Yes or No will do. And if infectious diseases exist what do you think is responsible for their transmission?

      • Jeez, not more Freewo/man of the Land bs. In the Name of the Father and for the umpteenth time WHEN are you going to answer the question? Are you denying the existence of infectious diseases? A simple Yes or No will do. And if infectious diseases exist what do you think is responsible for their transmission?

      • @Senga the thick as two short planks dick head, I have already answered it with the Florence Nightingale quote – go back and read it this time fro she explains the origins of ALL so-called infectious diseases.

      • Senga – Truthdude – stop arguing, I can provide a remedy here – “it was the Jews what did it”.

        I can’t remember who said that, but it seems to be the answer to every question.


      • @bsdoctrine Posting a spam link to your tedious blog, posting a spam link to a ‘world truth video’, o posting a Florence Nightingale ‘quote’ is NOT answering a question. I asked you a DIRECT question and as such expect a DIRECT answer. So, once again, are you denying the existence of infectious diseases? A simple yes/no will suffice. And if infectious diseases exist what causes their transmission?

      • @Senga the shabbos goy I am not responsible for your low IQ.

        Florence Nightingale is telling you how diseases in people start, and it’s NOT through contagion, you stupid ignorant moron! Just as Scurvy was never contagious and yet the so-called physicians of the day claimed that it was.

      • @guaranteedcarfinancesite Looks like you’re learning!

        “At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands. *THE RICHEST PLUM WAS LATER TO COME WHEN WE TOOK OVER THE PUBLICATION OF ALL SCHOOL MATERIALS. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. THE PEOPLE ARE ONLY STUPID PIGS THAT GRUNT AND SQUEAL THE CHANTS WE GIVE THEM, WHETHER THEY BE TRUTH OR LIES.”*

        — The Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal 1976. Aid to US Senator Jacob K. Javitz of NY.

        I must say, though, that your piggy grunting needs work! Oink! Oink! Oink! LOL

      • I am not talking about how diseases start; I am talking about the transmission of diseases, you moron. So, once again, are you denying the existence of infectious diseases? A simple yes/no will suffice. And if infectious diseases exist what causes their transmission? Going by your comments you appear to be denying the existence of infectious diseases but just haven’t got the balls to admit it. Exhibit 1, M’Lud: you have stated that the Spanish Flu was not a contagion. So, riddle me this, how did a disease ‘break out’ in millions of people simultaneously? What was it a result of ? Exosomes releasing toxins due to stress from the 5G network? Is that what caused the Spanish Flu? LOL

      • @Senga the dick head jerk. There is no transmission of diseases, and that is what Florence Nightingale witnessed and evidenced with her own eyes in her living experiences on hospital wards in the Crimea. Diseases self-generate within the human body due to toxic environments and conditions within and without the body and are NOT transferred from other sick people! YOU GERM THEORY, BRAINWASHED, IGNORANT, TROLL MORON!

      • Nightingale’s theory was debunked and replaced by germ theory you brain-dead moron. How many references do you need, you Grade-A idiot? ‘Nightingale, like most Victorians, was raised to believe that diseases were caused by ‘miasma’ or foul air. However, over the course of her work, she came to accept the new idea of germ theory, which we still understand to be correct today. Over the course of the nineteenth century microscope technology improved and enabled more people to see some of the microorganisms (also called pathogens or germs) which cause illness.’

      • Senga the Big Pharma agent scum bag. Liars never debunked anything in their stinking corrupted lives. The Terrain Truth cannot be debunked:

        All about PASTEUR and THE JESUITS – the author of the Germ Theory:

        “What you forgot to mention is Pasteur attended schooling at Lycée Saint-Louis (a former Jansenist school but had then been covertly run by the Jesuits). Pasteur, being a mediocre student that he is, failed at numerous entrance exams to the prestigious École normale supérieure in Paris. But after he enrolled and trained at Lycée Saint-Louis school, the trajectory of his career just magically shot to the roof. He magically passed the entrance exam he previously failed with flying colors, getting academic awards left and right. His fraudulent scientific method covered up by the scientific community up until 1993. I suspect he was secretly controlled and tutored by the Jesuits, to serve as the scientific mouthpiece of the Vatican(Jesuits). Think about it. What Pasteur discovered is nothing new. His theory is the exactly same as the Catholic (Graeco-Roman pagan superstition) promulgated/taught by the Vatican for centuries now, but packaged under a new name ‘virus’.”

        NOAHIDE LAWS – Dr. Lorraine Day

  15. Yes, I would be very interested in watching a video on the new age connections to some of the people at the trump rallies!

  16. I don’t know what to believe anymore, I see all of these adverse reactions online but I have not noticed anything personally. Maybe the vax is Just another wat to divide us

  17. People who listen to this NWO stooge are heading for disaster. Out of the frying pan into the fire. Trump is a false messiah. Jesus is Lord.

  18. Well let’s see mate. I follow you. I listen to you. I don’t agree with all you say. Should I stop following your channel because we don’t agree on everything. I don’t like trump much. But policy wise he did a great job and then jabs let him down. So so I stop supporting him because I don’t agree with 25% of him. I don’t agree with Biden 100% so don’t even listen. Let’s wait and see if all these guests ignore jabs. Your dismissing it before it’s even happened. Your negative all the time. Not an ounce of positivity. Makes me nuts. But here I am.

  19. It is God’s free will if you take the jab. Trump always said it was a choice. Biden mandated the jab as much as he could. It is about choice which is God’s free will.

    • I don’t know about God; but orthodox psychology/psychiatry teaches that all human behaviour is determined by an interplay of biological inheritance and environmental circumstances. Free will is an illusion!

      • Free will is not illusion. It is a struggle between the better and lesser angels of our nature. The freedom to choose your own destiny instead of complying with tyrants, allowing them to direct the flow of YOUR life. But when all the sheeples on this planet hand over everyone’s freedoms and liberties to a cabal of devil worshipping psychopaths, free will becomes like waking from a dream, it gets harder and more difficult to hold onto as it slowly erodes and fades away.

  20. I don’t think Tenpenny is a sell out. It doesn’t matter when someone becomes Christian or anything else. What matters is their intention. I still believe in most of those doctors and personalities on that program in spite of the fact that I doubt Trump’s intentions. This is a complex moment in history. Nobody has the full truth. Hugo, love your work. Please do a deep dive into the connections you mentioned these doctors have with new age movements. And personally there is a sttrong element of dualism in this struggle…there is Good and there is Evil…sorting it all out is the problem due to so much perception deception and illusion.

    • @Maria Oh she’s definitely a sell out, anyone who gives credence to viruses when they’re in the world of medicine, as she is, has no excuses, when all the medical papers are out there in the public domain that prove Sarscov2 (Covid19) doesn’t exist.

  21. All those people are cancelled and leaderless. Shunned by one they’ve gathered around the other. Biden driving people to Trump.

  22. I don’t trust trump. Ivanka is on the WEF young global leaders list of traitors.

  23. £ Times I have tried to share this comment.. let’s see if it works this time! The biggest Agent-cy in Hollywood is the CAA. The Creative Artists Agency (basically the entertainment arm of the CIA) is a huge complex built with masonic symbolism everywhere. It provides agents (handlers) for many actors, musicians, sportsmen and anyone who has a voice in the public eye. These are the lifetime actors whose role extends beyond the one they are famous for. They are controlled and ‘guided’ to promote the many agendas we are all subjected to now. I discovered this Agent-cy last night after seeing a short clip of Jordan Peterson praising Elon Musk so I instantly became suspicious as Mr Musk is absolutely not who we are told he is. So upon searching ‘when did Peterson sell his soul’ I discovered that in 2018 he signed up with CAA. Then I checked out some of the others signed up on there and along with the usual suspects eg Tom Hanks, Will Smith etc I found JP Sears and even Jamie Oliver who everyone thinks is ‘on our side’ because he took on McDonald’s! It’s all a show folks. Do not place your faith in anyone other than yourself (and definitely not in any age or otherwise). Get rid of beliefs as they are limiting. You have everything within you. Trust in your own power and do not give it away. If you want to see some of the people you may be ‘admiring’ then check out this list of some of their ‘artists’.

    • Wow, all our favourite celebrities. And a lot of folks that seem to be “unknown” compared to them. Youtube content creators, TV show producers and so on.
      So I guess it is safe to assume that, no matter what they say, it’s all scripted to serve what ever agenda needs to be pushed.
      The Cabal has all the bases covered.

  24. This JP Sears character pops up (As Hugo said more often than not wearing a skirt and other feminine apparel) shilling all sorts of crap. I can’t stand his ‘goofy’ videos. His credibility is a big fat ZERO!

    • I wouldn’t go that far. He is right about a lot, but, to his own detriment, he does believe in the righty/lefty paradigm of demoncracy, which is unfortunate, because he seems like a good person, if not a little too much into new-age hippy dippy BS.

      • Rodney K@ yes he comes across as a good guy. But that is how com-opp will look like as they will tell you what you want to hear. I am not saying he is conn-opp & just maybe. And how is it he can’t work Trump out? He promotes him like a god. I wont be tuning into JP anymore. We have to leave a space for him or anybody being con-opp!

      • Many people can’t see through Mr.mcnuggethead (aka bronzer guy). I suggest he (JP) is more of a gullible meat head type rather than a shill for the system. That’s the vibe I get and you can trust me sonnyboy, I’m an expert at detecting shilling and all those who shill out for the system. Always have, even in my own life. Besides, even if he is a go and tell pro agent, it’s still good to listen them to gather intel. Take russel “the trickster” brand. He is the biggest youtube, go-and-tell prop agent that has ever emerged from the bowels of the systems digestive tract. Many can’t (or won’t) see through his facade. But he ALWAYS knows what’s going to happen 2 or 3mths in advance. So, I say, have a heart for the more gullible, meat headed, people amongst us real people. In any case, I would take someone who is maybe 70% awake compared to someone who is full up to the gills with Umbrella Corp. T-Virus and, of course, no real end in sight to their boosts.

      • JP Sears is a massive shill for crypto crap currencies. His disingenuous videos on these PROVE beyond a doubt what a shill he is. He is fake. For all his faults not even David Icke has sunk this low.

  25. It’s certainly a crazy world we live in, we don’t know who to trust in guidance. It’s this negative web of he’s a shill, he or she is a psyop. We just have to trust our gut, for me its the only guidance that I trust. We don’t have to be a devout church goer to believe in God. These satanic globalists, are pure evil, and trying to destroy mankind. We have to fight to stop their satanic agenda, especially with the god’s children. I have my own views on Trump, do I trust him? Not 100%, but I see that he offers some hope. There is a reason behind the whole jab situation with Trump, Time will tell. Hugo you do a fantastic job, you get us all talking about different situation, bringing us together. Thank you.

  26. Lucifer unbeknown to many is the light codes the creator of the universe. Don’t forget everything is inverted and back to front! we are all 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. The number of man. And they have used the bible to invert the truth. The church make you kneel to pray and bow your heads to the ground! When you should all be looking up 🙂 I don’t care for much of it to be honest the only person I believe in is me! and once people realise thier own universe resides within the better 🙂

  27. Don’t believe Mr.mcnuggethead (aka bronzer guy). He is a shill of satan.

  28. I look at it easier.the most important question is, is it too late for them?!? When covid circus program is almost over, and when there are already millions of people with some kind of experimental slurry in their bodies, why not earlier?! when it was relevant and when people asked questions?!??? and now they have decided to make some kind of movement for people?!? too late!!!!🤥🙄 especially Russian history shows that pigs always use the moment to shine, when the most difficult times. like in “animal farm”-pigs come to change another pigs….

  29. Let’s make a couple of things crystal clear. Trump is fully pro vax, this talk of him giving secret signals are the words of nutters, too stupid for words. For one thing if they were secret you would not recognise them would you?
    Regarding the comedian who has changed from knocking conspiracy theorists to being one, this does not make him a shill. I used to think Conspiracy Theorists were crazy but look at the last two years, they have been right all along. I felt the way I did because the MSM told me these people were mad. I was being controlled by the MSM, but no more, so yes you can change.

  30. For the blackpilled Christians… check out Dayzofnoah and Armour of Truth on YT. Very interesting commentary of society.

  31. Very interesting video, Hugo 1 & 2…

    Something is very Wrong…. DjT… Could possibly be the AC…. of the Bible, or one of the 7 Kings in revelation….

    If he was a true Belever in Jesus Christ, he would stand out from the crowd…. But he doesn’t. …. DjT doesn’t walk the walk & has no idea of A Saviour….. Or repentance…. Do any of us know if he is really him…. Or are we all being fooled….

    There is no frute on his, tree 🎄….
    Its all in his bank and his company…

    There is only One Jesus Christ and only One God Almighty, the creator…
    & of course there is satan….

    Just I believe, that DjT…. Like so many who claim to be Christians, there fruites are in the bank, not on the tree… Only Jesus Christ saves…
    John 3 v 16…

    Brilliant 1St class video content… Hugo….
    Thank you for all you Do….

  32. I have tried many times now to share my comments on here that relate to who can be trusted but they are not appearing. It has been shared under the youtube video though under the same name. Lets see if this gets posted.

      • I was checking throughout the day.. It is on here multiple times now thanks to people sharing.

      • I’ve been looking for that reply, can’t find it.

      • Your wish is my command:

        ‘Annemarie Wilson

        The biggest Agent-cy in Hollywood is the CAA. The Creative Artists Agency (basically the entertainment arm of the CIA) is a huge complex built with masonic symbolism everywhere. It provides agents (handlers) for many actors, musicians, sportsmen and anyone who has a voice in the public eye. These are the lifetime actors whose role extends beyond the one they are famous for. They are controlled and ‘guided’ to promote the many agendas we are all subjected to now. I discovered this Agent-cy last night after seeing a short clip of Jordan Peterson praising Elon Musk so I instantly became suspicious as Mr Musk is absolutely not who we are told he is. So upon searching ‘when did Peterson sell his soul’ I discovered that in 2018 he signed up with CAA. Then I checked out some of the others signed up on there and along with the usual suspects eg Tom Hanks, Will Smith etc I found JP Sears and even Jamie Oliver who everyone thinks is ‘on our side’ because he took on McDonald’s! It’s all a show folks. Do not place your faith in anyone other than yourself (and definitely not in any age or otherwise). Get rid of beliefs as they are limiting. You have everything within you. Trust in your own power and do not give it away. If you want to see some of the people you may be ‘admiring’ then check out this list of some of their ‘artists’.

    • Annemarie Wilson@ I found your YT post and most interesting. Also interesting to know that you cant get it published on here.

    • Annemarie Wilson@ Your YT post; The biggest Agent-cy in Hollywood is the CAA. The Creative Artists Agency (basically the entertainment arm of the CIA) is a huge complex built with masonic symbolism everywhere. It provides agents (handlers) for many actors, musicians, sportsmen and anyone who has a voice in the public eye. These are the lifetime actors whose role extends beyond the one they are famous for. They are controlled and ‘guided’ to promote the many agendas we are all subjected to now. I discovered this Agent-cy last night after seeing a short clip of Jordan Peterson praising Elon Musk so I instantly became suspicious as Mr Musk is absolutely not who we are told he is. So upon searching ‘when did Peterson sell his soul’ I discovered that in 2018 he signed up with CAA. Then I checked out some of the others signed up on there and along with the usual suspects eg Tom Hanks, Will Smith etc I found JP Sears and even Jamie Oliver who everyone thinks is ‘on our side’ because he took on McDonald’s! It’s all a show folks. Do not place your faith in anyone other than yourself (and definitely not in any age or otherwise). Get rid of beliefs as they are limiting. You have everything within you. Trust in your own power and do not give it away. If you want to see some of the people you may be ‘admiring’ then check out this list of some of their ‘artists’.

    • Annemarie Wilson@ I have posted, before this post, a copy of YT post here so let us see if it appears.

  33. Regarding the Canadian truckers and whether or not that movement is a psy-op, check out this piece from Celia Farber. It’s about one of the organizers of the truck convoy, one Benjamin Dichter. Shady character it would seem, and very likely an intelligence asset. But the main point is that the Canadian protests have drawn in a huge proportion of average Canadians who’ve had enough of the tyranny. Those are real people in the hundreds of thousands, and the hope is that, regardless of whether or not the movement was staged initially, it has taken a life on of its own and is now a force to be reckoned with. Here’s to the truckers and their supporters.

    Our Man In Ottawa: Who Is Benjamin Dichter?
    Celia Farber, February 21, 2022

  34. We have to watch out for false prophets Elon and Trump both coming across as good guys um I think not both billionaires both members WEF

  35. It’s obvious? Trump son will run for president, they know a lot of trump supporters don’t trust the jab, so they are lining his son up for the next best thing.

  36. We 100% have the hegalian dialect going on you also have a lot of schemers making a lot of money making q vids for the Trumptards, but you also have Robert Malone who has his own Vax with Bill Gates but yet goes around as if he is an anti vaxxer, and all these doctors who pretend there is actually a virus when it only has ever existed inside a computer program, Stefan Lanka and Andrew Kaufman have done the very experiments the viroligists use to determine there is a virus but without any so called viral sample and get the same results ie there is no virus there has never been any virus that has been actually proven to exist EVER!!!

    • @les drake Hi Les, look out for a disso troll moron called Senga, here on Hugo Talks comments, who, I believe is an agent for Big Pharma, for he comes on here spewing shit about how viruses exist, and are highly infectious. LMAO! Oh, and in the next breath he’ll tell you Cov-yid 1984 doesn’t exist. This little squeaking piggy is one screwed up little squeaking piggy.

  37. The only thing we can truly trust is Gods word.
    Jesus warns us that in the end days there will be mass deception and that many will come in his name and even some claiming to be Christ.
    The whole world has gone reprobate in its ways, just one giant circus.

    Christ is at the very door, are you ready for the return of your messiah? Repent and seek the Lord while he may be found. This is no joke.

    Jesus is the prince of peace, he gives us peace in our hearts and minds even when we are surrounded by danger and chaos, there wont be true peace till He returns.
    Jesus is the good shepherd who layed His life down for us.

    Psalm 23

    The LORD the Shepherd of His People

    A Psalm of David.

    1 The LORD is a my shepherd; I shall not want.
    2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
    3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.
    4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
    5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
    6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever.

  38. Well we live in a virtual reality don’t we so what really is real? At the end of the day if you think everything is controlled or preordained, and that nothing you do will make a meaningful difference, you probably won’t even both getting out of bed in the morning. As the pushback grows and more opposition or fake opposition groups emerge we just have to use as much discernment as possible. We are own saviours in this game.

  39. Anything is better than that loon at the moment…
    He needs to go back to his care home…

  40. Hugo, my insight about this aparent contradition is that when he was president he did as he was told by the deep state as the condition to keep his job. Now that he’s off the job he can be himself again. I seriously doubt he’s has any jabs at all. Just make believe, part of a day’s work.

    • Florbela 100% correct. Trumpstein received his Rothschild orders when he had his audience with the criminal Kissinger just prior to him ‘winning’ the election.

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